Nests are virtual homes in Bin Weevils. You can obtain up to eight nest rooms and decorate each room with flowers, plants, trophies, thrones, lighting, wallpapers, floors and other nest items. Items can be purchased from Nestco and previously Bin Mart inside the Shopping Mall including bundles, XP bottle potions and item ranges. To decorate, you drag items out from your My Stuff Box. There are over 5000 items on Bin Weevils, many are on sale and many are rare items that were previously only available limited time only or at events.
Plazas are virtual businesses in Bin Weevils. Bin Tycoons can obtain up to four clubhouses and a photo studio. They can decorate their plaza clubs with a variety of party items and customisations for players to visit. Photo studios can be decorated with props and decorations. Players can visit your clubs and take photos for their nests in your photo studio. In return, Bin Tycoons receive Mulch earnings. They also earn Mulch for every picture snapped in their Photo Studio. The longer customers stay in plazas the more XP they earn. Plaza items can be obtained at the Party Shop outside Club Fling and Snappy's Photo Studio outside Rum's Airport. Every nest has a lobby with doors to other rooms and a pipe to the garden. Using the three colour sliders in the top right corner, the entrance hall can be coloured. Included in the entrance lobby: - Bin Cards
- SWS Mission Portal
- Bin Bot Portal
- Nest generator
- Garden pipe
- Plaza entrance
- Private cinema
An entrance to your Bin Tycoon business plaza and private cinema can be found. The Bin Tycoon Plaza is a set of customisable locations unique to each player. Bin Tycoons can decorate and run clubhouses for players to visit and receive earnings. Open online plazas can be entered through the plaza directory outside the Shopping Mall.
The 2009 Nest Hall was quite simple with a news board, SWS portal, nest doors and the Bin Tycoon Plaza portal. The news board consisted of of a title, underlined text that would take you to a website or to a location in-game and text that would describe what the news was about. There was also two major features which were the Scoreboard (King of the Bin Leaderboard) and the Star Challenge where you could complete various challenges and gain stars for your weevil profile.
Each nest can have up to eight rooms. The nest rooms cost about 3000 - 9000 Mulch each. Bin Tycoons can expand their nests at Rigg's Property Shop inside the Shopping Mall. The more nest rooms, the the more XP is given when weevils rate. You earn about 5 -20 XP when they rate it. So you can earn about 1000XP a day. Each room can be coloured using sliders in the top-right corner. Rooms can be filled with furniture of various types, including, but not limited to:
- Wallpaper
- Floors
- Plants
- Ceilings
- Trophies
- Lighting
- Seating
- Photos
- Statues
- Gadgets
To re-arrange a room, open the 'My Stuff Box' (located in the bottom left corner) and drag the furniture into the desired position in the room, to put an item away, drag it to the selection bar or chest. To help with decorating the My Stuff Box has different item categories.
Sophisticated, simple, easy. Nestco is here to make your online shopping experience as smooth as you want. Whatever you need, at the click of a mouse. Introduced in August 2012 and ran by the celebrity Gott, Nestco is the main department store in Bin Weevils located inside the Shopping Mall. Its purpose is to showcase a variety of items that you can spend your hard earned Mulch and Dosh on. Nestco is a parody of the British supermarket Tesco.

On the Nestco main menu you will find featured items, nest items, Nestige, bundles and showroom. Nest items will display every item category for you to purchase items. Nestige is the Nest Inspector's range of prestigious nest items for award-winning rooms. Bundles showcase different item themes. The showroom offers a preview at new item themes.
There are over 18 item categories such as wallpapers, flooring, lighting, tables, plants, kitchen, bathroom, gadgets, etc. You can find the most popular items in each category on the left hand side. Every item purchased rewards players with a certain amount of XP. Players must obtain a minimum level to purchase some items.
Nestco department store UI, 2012-2014
Nestco department store UI, 2012-2014
Run by the character Zip, a member of the Kip family, Bin Mart was formally a large department store located inside the Shopping Mall. Bin Mart's stock was mostly cheaper and discounted items compared to its counterpart Nestco next door. There were over 18 item categories such as featured, wallpapers, flooring, lighting, tables, plants, kitchen, bathroom, pets, gadgets, etc. Grouping items together via trends was possible. Each item had a certain delivery time and some items had limited stock.
Bin Mart was a parody of the American supermarket Walmart. Every item purchased at Bin Mart rewarded players with a certain amount of XP and Nest Coolness. Every item required a minimum level before purchase. The Nest Inspector's favourite nest items were labeled via a blue icon. Bin Mart was discontinued in February 2014 and merged together with Nestco to provide a wider shopping experience.
Nest Coolness is the house rating system in Bin Weevils. The more weevils you invite to your nest the higher Nest Coolness and XP you will receive. There are eleven stages of Nest Coolness and each stage requires a rigorous nest rating. Nest Coolness changes at the end of each day of you redecorate. It'll also go up if you get good nest ratings from your guests. Items can increase your Nest Coolness. Displaying XP potion bottles in your nest rooms can also increase your Nest Coolness.
Players can invite weevils to their nest via the nest invite feature. If a player receives enough Nest Coolness ratings they may submit their nest deigns to the Nest Inspector who will reward Nest room designs with a bronze, silver or gold nest trophy depending on the quality. Once your nest is ready for inspection you will receive a blue Nest Inspector camera in your nest hall. Players can decorate rewarded nest trophies in their nest rooms.